On Wednesday night, I shared my "Jars at a Cemetery" vision to my high school group. During the worship service prior to me speaking, God showed me visions for three people. After I finished explaining the vision, I spoke to each person.
For one person: I saw a glass jar full of sand. A grain of sand on its own is insignificant, yet the more sand there is the noticeable it becomes. Similarly, a single act of love might seem unimportant, but continue showing acts of love and there will definitely be an obvious impact.
For the next person: I saw a jar with a flower in it and the lid screwed on tight. The flower was rootless and withering, a symbol of his life at the moment. God wanted to reveal to him that He has greater plans for his future, that he will grow roots (so to speak) and be rejuvenated.
For the third person: I saw a jar full of water with smooth stones, then an image of rocks being thrown into a rushing river. When rough, jagged rocks are left under a river's water, the rough edges wear away and become smooth. God spoke to the girl through this--If she jumped into the river of His glory and His love, all of her rough edges would be washed away. Her transformation will become a testimony and encouragement to people experiencing similar trials as her.
God also revealed to me the meaning of the beating heart and firefly I saw in the jars in the vision. The beating heart in the jar was meant to show that a beating her does not constitute living. There is an Anberlin song that comes to mind that says "There's more to living than being alive." A firefly flickers its dim light on and off at will. We were meant to live as steadfast bright lights in the world, not dull and wavering.
That was so amazing at church girlie! <3 way cool totally from the Lord... You're getting so bold!:)